2024 Accommodation Partners
Basecamp Resorts – https://www.basecampresorts.com Promo code MTB2024 to receive a discount of 15%. If there are any questions, reach out at groupbookings@basecampresorts.com
Rocky Mountain Ski Resort - www.banfflodgingco.com 12hotels in Banff and 2 in Canmore. Call 1-800-563-8764. Ask for Canada Cup Group #4210159 rate.
Blackstone Mountain Lodge. Receive 15-30% off pending booking option. Phone 403-609-8098. Group discount code: ANMBRA.
SAIT in Calgary – For those willing to travel from Calgary and have more cost effective accommodation, we have partnered with SAIT: Website www.stayrcc.com/locations/calgary Promo Code: ANMBRA.
Receive a 20% discount on the Banff Airporter's daily shuttle service between the Calgary Airport and the Canmore Coast Hotel. Click Banff Airporter and then Book Now. Proceed through the reservation and type - canadacup - in the "Promo Code?" section on the final payment page to receive the discount.
2023 National Off-Road Boss Omnium
In partnership with the Ghost of Gravel, we present the National Off-Road Boss Omnium: an event that assigns points for 2 different races, the Canmore Canada Cup XCO on Saturday, June 17, 2023 and the Ghost of Gravel on Sunday, June 18, 2023. The rider with the highest combined points will be the winner of the Omnium. The cash prizes for the Omnium are the same for both female and male and are $500 for 1st Place, $300 for 2nd Place, and $100 for 3rd Place. Points will be assigned as per the following table:
Additional rules are as follows:
Total points will be calculated based on points assigned for the relevant categories in the above chart, each racer being registered in one of four Canmore Canada Cup categories and in the Scary Ghost category of the Ghost of Gravel. Please note that higher points are assigned to Junior, Expert, and Sport to provide a more “even playing field” when riding the Ghost of Gravel.
In order to qualify for the Omnium, a rider must enter the Scary Ghost (118 km) category of the Ghost of Gravel.
Riders must start each day to be eligible to start the next.
In the case of a tie with points, the higher placing in the Ghost of Gravel will determine the winner.
Prizes will be awarded at the conclusion of the Ghost of Gravel. Riders must be in attendance to receive the prize. If the rider is not in attendance, the final standings will be updated with the next placed rider being upgraded.
2022 Scholarship Application
Our 2022 Scholarship is now accepting applicants until June 10.
Playlist and Poll
Tell us what you would like to see for the Alberta Cup races in Canmore and you could win free race entry. Two names will be drawn from all who participate. See link below:
2021 Scholarship Winners
Thank you to everyone who applied for this years Alberta National Mountain Bike Race Association Youth Scholarship.
We are very excited to present $8000 in scholarship money this year to 7 outstanding Alberta athletes working hard to pursue elite success in mountain biking and demonstrating the true sport principles.
Congratulations to the following athletes:
Jack Menzies
Eric Oulette
Sidney McGill
Ryder Knoll
Ella Myers
Logan Sadesky
Jacob Baggot
We are excited to see you continue to progress in mountain biking!
If you would like to find out more about the selection criteria and application, please head over to our post here.
All photos via Instagram
2021 Race Update
UPDATE: We are ready to race!
What a year it has been!
We are so excited to announce that the race is set for OCTOBER 1-3 at the Canmore Nordic Centre.
We look forward to hosting you in Canmore and seeing all of you race.
Stay tuned to our website and social channels for more details.
2021 Youth Scholarship
Deadline June 15, 2021
Scholarship Application for Individual Athletes 2021
Historically the Alberta MTB Race Association has been awarding youth scholarships for excellence in mountain bike racing since 2017. We recognize that although racing for the most part has ceased there are still costs associated with training at a high level. We understand your dedication to resume racing and are awarding up to $10000 to applicants who demonstrate a continued commitment to race training and are finding creative ways to stay motivated during the pandemic.
Criteria for selection consideration:
Between 16-23 years of age
Training at an advanced level and pursuing elite success in mountain biking.
Holds a valid UCI license
Must attend the 2021 Canmore XCO Canada Cup race if Covid allows
Practice the 7 TRUE SPORT principles
Must be an Alberta resident
True Sport Principles
Go For it
Play Fair
Respect Others
Keep it Fun
Stay Healthy
Include Everyone
Give Back
Application Process:
Complete and submit the application to anmbra2020@gmail.com by the deadline of June 15, 2021
An Alberta MTB Race Association board member will contact you to review your application
Successful candidates will be contacted to commence a discussion regarding the distribution of funds.
Checklist of documents required:
Completed application, including declaration and signature.
A creative expression demonstrating how you are staying motivated during the pandemic. This could include an essay, a short 2-minute video, a PowerPoint presentation or a collage of photos.
Name and Signature of Parent or Guardian, if applicable.
Challenge 1: The Everest Challenge
Inspired by Earth Day and Sidney McGill we are launching a series of COVID Challenges that you can ride on your own while practicing social distancing requirements and adhering to all provincial and local government rules.
Challenge 1: You have until May 31 to complete this slightly sadistic climb. Anyone who Strava's a one day ride with the same vertical as Mount Everest (8848m) might get a little swag that we have lying around.
Let's just to be clear, this is not a sanctioned event, there is no entry fee, no organizing, no insurance, no nothing! There is no official course and anyone can do this.
Let's face it riding up Everest might be kind of hard, just riding up Mount Robson (3954m) or Mount Logan (5959m) might be equally impressive and might catch our eye.
Screenshot or msg your Strava segment to us and we will be sure to post our winners so you can bath in all that fame and glory!
Stay tuned for future challenges / non-events that we are dreaming up. Get climbing!!
Currently, our race is postponed due to the ongoing need for social distancing and COVID-19. But we are looking to the future and making plans…
As the situation around the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, the Canadian Government has announced stronger restrictions over the last few weeks in response to this crisis.
In order to continue to support the efforts from public health authorities to minimize the transmission of the virus, and to reduce the pressure on athletes and members, Cycling Canada is now recommending that all cycling events on the Cycling Canada calendar be postponed or cancelled until June 14th.
Based on the situation, we have POSTPONED the current 2020 Canada Cup scheduled in Canmore. We do not have another date set at this time, but will continue to work with Canada Cycling and all parties and provide updates as they become availble.
AMBRA race organization puts youth first and awards scholarship fund to 4 riders at Canada Cup 2019.
Note: The 2020 Youth Scholarship is currently on hold. We will provide an update as soon as we can.